Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Holiday Decorating On A Budget...

I was asked by the owner of UpCounty Fine Wine & Beer store to decorate the Clarksburg Ombudsman building and Mayorga Coffee Shop for an upcoming event December 8th "Clarksburg Holiday Boutique and Wine Tasting" This event will be between the hours of 10:am to 4pm. There will plenty of wine tasting and over 20 vendors selling chocolates, jewelry, hand made purses, candles and much more. The event will be held in two buildings. Mayorga Coffee Shop and the Ombudsman Building located on the corner of 355 and Stringtown Road. If you are local, please stop by for a visit.
Less than three weeks and a small budget of $125 for the House and $40 for the Coffee Shop, I had to act quick. Off to Michaels and the Dollar Store I go. The garland, wreaths and door spriggs were all 50% off. I found the perfect coordinating ribbon and just loosely tide them around the wreaths. I had twelve windows to decorate and four doors. I put the wreaths on all the windows around the entire house and the spriggs on each door. The ribbon has just the right amount of shimmer which reflects from the sun during the day.
The coffee shop decorations are the most adorable little boxes and large ornaments from the dollar store. You should have seen me, I had all the boxes laid out on the floor before I purchased them. I was trying to imagine how they would look in the coffee shop. Of course I purchased several for myself. They are the perfect size to put cookies in for the Teachers or a small present to give to that special friend. I had everybody in the store wanting them after I told them how I was going to use them. I used the ornaments, gift boxes and cut some garland pieces to fit in the boxes so the ornaments would sit nicely on top of the box.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. Go get some of the boxes at the Dollar Tree before they are all gone. Too cute...

Cheers, Theresa


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Michelle Hahn said...

You did a wonderful job adding holiday cheer to the Clarksburg Ombudsman building and Mayorga Coffee Shop! I knew you would. Your creativity and imagination allow you to create such extraordinary pieces! Everyone who visits the Clarksburg area should feel blessed to see your work! -Michelle