Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Are you a Helicopter Mom?...

I had to visit the lab today to have my blood drawn. No worries, just part of my routine physical. I was instructed to fast by my Doctor. Not so good for me. Remember, I don't do well without my coffee in the morning. But, I managed to be kind while I was sitting there waiting patiently to be poked in the arm. I picked up a magazine which I have never read before "Working Mother". Have you read this magazine? Where have I been? This particular issue was the October issue. I started flipping through the pages and stumbled on a topic I thought was pretty interesting - "Good Enough Mom" I think we (Moms) all have asked ourselves this question at least once. Some of the statements really hit home for the following:

"A "perfect" life for you and your children isn't only unattainable, it's not desirable".

"All children need a secure environment in which to grow up and a sense of permanence - the feeling no matter what happens, they can count on you. Land your helicopter - by hovering less, you'll reduce not only your own stress level but your child's too".

These statements are so true. I was happy to read the second statement. My husband and I pride ourselves in providing a secure environment and a sense of permanence every day for our kids. At least that part I know I am doing right :)

When I expect perfection from my children, I can make things too complicated and frustration occurs with both of us. Particularly when it comes to my son who is 8 years old. I think I fall into first born expectations. I want him to do well in everything. I think I "Hover" more with him than I do with my daughter who is 6. After the first quarter report cards came home and his report card was much better than I had thought it would be. I realized that I needed to give him more credit than I have been. I started hovering less and he actually stuck to his homework routine on his own. I found it pretty ironic that I stumbled across this magazine with an article on this topic today...funny how things work isn't it? My daughter, that's a whole other blog story - she is a girl. Wouldn't even notice if I was hovering, she's gonna do what she wants anyway, that's all I have to say ;) I love her dearly for that.

Go to click on current issues - then October featured articles - Focus on You - Good Enough Mom. This is a good read. Actually they have lots of great articles to read. Enjoy!

Cheers, Theresa

1 comment:

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Hey Theresa!
Great blog and your website is gorgeous! I added a link to your website on my blog, but let me know if you would rather have a link to your blog instead, I wasn't sure. Your gallery photos are stunning, you have such a great eye!