Monday, January 21, 2008

Dr. King Song...

We had another big snow fall last Thursday and as soon as the kids walked in the door we were outside. This was the kind of snow were we could make great snow angels and snow women (per my daughter). In the middle of making snowballs and snow angels, my daughter looks up at me with her big blue eyes and proceeds to recite what she had learned in kindergarten about Dr. Martin Luther King. With such a sincere look on her face she gives me all the detail about the bomb, the threats and how the "brown people" couldn't be with the white people and how Dr. King died. She thought it would be awful to live "way back then" and would be really sad if she couldn't play with her "brown friend" Brianna anymore. Then she shared this wonderful song they learned at school:

Dr. King Song (sung to: This Old Man)
Dr. King had a dream
That we would work as a team.
We shouldn't care about the color of
our skin.
Let's get along and be good friends!
Happy Dr. King Day!

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