Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Halloween Decorating in Progress...

I managed to get a few decorations up yesterday for Halloween. Honestly, the Halloween decor is for the kids. I would much rather just decorate with a Harvest theme. But, that wouldn't go over very well them. So, I decorate with a few spooky items for Halloween. When Halloween is over, I'll just replace the crows and other spooky items with Harvest decorations. I'll add some gourds, pumpkins and wheat etc.

The first little decorating project was pretty easy and very inexpensive to make. The branches of course are free. We picked them up when we were out on a nature walk on Sunday. (NOTE: Make sure the branches have already broken off the tree naturally. Don't break the branches off the trees or else you will end up with some unwanted little creatures in the house.) I was going to spray paint the branches, but the branches were a really nice gray color so I just kept them bare. You could spray paint them black or any other color of your choice. Then I just added Spanish moss to the bottom of the urn and sparingly on the branches. I add a few crows and the entire little project was less than $10. The best part is it fits in with my decor :) and the kids love it!

I'll share more as I progress with my Halloween decorating.




Anonymous said...

Marvelous..! Really impressed with your Halloween decorations. I have no word to admire.

Elle Jay Bee said...

I must say, your home is gorgeous!! I love the make-over you gave to you dining hutch...perfect!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll ba back again to check yours out further!


Tardevil said...

Thanks for dropping by...I'm stalking you...I mean "following" you know. :O) And by the way, I have a thing for angels too. Will post some in your honor one day.